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Department: Business and Management BA - WIC Placement

Business and Management BA

Business and Management BA (Hons) with Foundation Year in Business

This Business and Management BA (Hons) with Foundation Year in Business degree is delivered in partnership with Leeds Trinity University.

Do you want to develop the essential management skills and experience to launch your business career?

Management is at the heart of the skillset needed to succeed in modern business. On this course you’ll cover all the essential functions of management, operations and human resources (HR), developing a wide-ranging knowledge of organisations and their business environment.

September, January, May
Full time including foundation year
Duration: 4 years
Location: Birmingham, London
Course overview

This four-year Business and Management BA (Hons) with Foundation Year degree offers an alternative route into higher education and is designed for prospective students who may not have a sufficient or relevant academic background for University study.

In the integrated Foundation Year in Business you will undertake modules to help develop your academic skills and confidence and will be introduced to key concepts, debates and skills that will support and inform your second, third and fourth years of undergraduate degree study.

You’ll study business objectives, practices and principles through case study research, lectures, workshops and student-led activities. You’ll look at the supply chain and logistics, production and project management as well as business organisation, human resources and the principles of leadership.

You’ll examine the modern business environment and how 'start-up' businesses grow as technology advances. You will focus on sustainability and the opportunities or limitations small businesses face, as well as developing your own concepts and business plans through a series of lectures, workshops, course work and group work.

Following successful completion of your Foundation Year, you’ll progress onto Level 4 of the degree and will learn about the complexities of organisations, understanding their structure and HR management concepts.

You’ll explore the fundamentals of accounting, finance and marketing, as well as getting the opportunity to learn about international business and marketing.

The programme has been developed in conjunction with employers and offers a well-rounded education in many areas of modern business management. It covers the organisational issues behind modern business, but also the legal, ethical and sustainability issues facing companies.

The underlying principle behind the course content is to mirror the modern business environment, giving you the opportunity to solve business problems in real-life case studies. You’ll learn in small groups, developing the confidence to work in project teams to a professional standard.

You’ll gain real-world experience through professional placements, helping you to develop the skills and experience you’ll need on your CV to impress potential employers and secure a job and you’ll have the opportunity to conduct a business research project with an employer in your final year.

Following your degree, you will graduate with an invaluable combination of in-depth theoretical knowledge and professional experience, preparing you for a successful start to your career in business and management.